Learning Leaf
Early childhood development benefits from copious natural light along a shady tree-lined street in Northwest Washington DC. This childcare center makes use of bold patterns and geometric shapes to support Emilio Reggio-based learning.
Learning Leaf Childcare Center approached ISTUDIO to redesign and program an existing office space into a childcare center unlike any other in the area. Our team advised the client in OSSE and local DC code requirements necessary for the early education space as well as classroom counts and infrastructure upgrades. The design team also worked closely with the Historic Preservation Office and Commission of Fine Arts on exterior façade work required for egress.
Program Spaces for infant and toddler are separated by low walls with storage, changing, and washing facilities. Separate rooms for young children age 3-5 years benefit from loft space and raised floors. Support spaces include new bathrooms, kitchen, reception, and office space. Environmentally friendly materials include low-VOC paints + sealers, certified wood, and high recycled content flooring. This dynamic center has space for over 100 children.
Photographs by Kristopher Ilich + ISTUDIO